Binary Classification Using a scikit Decision Tree

I hadn’t looked at using a decision tree from the scikit-learn (scikit for short) library for several months, so I figured to do an example. Before I go any further: I am not a big fan of decision trees and this example reinforces my opinion.

I used one of my standard datasets for binary classification. The data looks like:

  1   0.24   1 0 0   0.2950   0 0 1
  0   0.39   0 0 1   0.5120   0 1 0
  1   0.63   0 1 0   0.7580   1 0 0
  0   0.36   1 0 0   0.4450   0 1 0
. . . 

Each line of data represents a person. The fields are sex (male = 0, female = 1), age (normalized by dividing by 100), state (Michigan = 100, Nebraska = 010, Oklahoma = 001), annual income (divided by 100,000), and politics type (conservative = 100, moderate = 010, liberal = 001). The goal is to predict the gender of a person from their age, state, income, and politics type. The data can be found at:

It isn’t necessary to normalize age and income. Converting categorical predictors like state and job-type is conceptually tricky, but the bottom line is that in most scenarios it’s best to one-hot encode rather than categorical encode. Ordinal data like low = 0, medium = 1, high = 2 can be ordinal-encoded.

The scikit documentation states that for binary classification, the variable to predict should be encoded as -1 and +1. However, one of the documentation examples uses 0 and 1 which is more consistent with other binary classification algorithms. In fact, it’s possible to use text labels, such as “M” and “F”, for the target class too. The scikit documentation has quite a few inconsistencies like this.

The key lines of code are:

md = 4  # depth
print("Creating decision tree with max_depth=" + str(md))
model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=md,
  random_state=1), train_y)
print("Done ")

Decision trees are highly sensitive to overfitting. If you set a large max_depth you can get 100% classification on training data but the accuracy on test data and new previously unseen data will likely be very poor.

I wrote a custom tree_to_pseudo() function that displays a tree in text format. Note: I kludged the function together from examples I found on the Internet — the code is very, very tricky. The first part of the output of tree_to_pseudo() looks like:

 if ( income "lte" 0.3400 ) {
   if ( pol2 "lte"  0.5 ) {
     if ( age "lte"  0.235 ) {
       if ( income "lte"  0.2815 ) {
         return 1.0
       } else {
         return 0.0
     } else {
       return 1.0
   } else {
     return 1.0
 } else {
. . . 

There is also a built-in tree.export_text() function that gives similar results:

|--- income "lte"  0.34
|   |--- pol2 "lte"  0.50
|   |   |--- age "lte"  0.23
|   |   |   |--- income "lte" = 0.28
|   |   |   |   |--- class: 1.0
. . .

Anyway, the demo was a good refresher for me.

A few years ago some researchers in the UK did an experiment where they determined that people can identify the gender of a person solely by how they walk. Fashion models extend this idea to exaggerated walking styles. Left: The long stride. Center: The walk on a straight line. Right: The sway.

Demo code. Replace “lte” with Boolean less-than-or-equal operator. The data can be found at


# predict gender (0 = male, 1 = female) 
# from age, state, income, politics-type

# data:
#  0   0.39   0   0   1   0.5120   0   1   0
#  1   0.27   0   1   0   0.2860   1   0   0
# . . . 

# Anaconda3-2020.02  Python 3.7.6
# Windows 10/11  scikit 0.22.1

import numpy as np 
from sklearn import tree 

# ---------------------------------------------------------

def tree_to_pseudo(tree, feature_names):
  left = tree.tree_.children_left
  right = tree.tree_.children_right
  threshold = tree.tree_.threshold
  features = [feature_names[i] for i in tree.tree_.feature]
  value = tree.tree_.value

  def recurse(left, right, threshold, features, node, depth=0):
    indent = "  " * depth
    if (threshold[node] != -2):
      print(indent,"if ( " + features[node] + " lte " + \
        str(threshold[node]) + " ) {")
      if left[node] != -1:
        recurse(left, right, threshold, features, \
          left[node], depth+1)
        print(indent,"} else {")
        if right[node] != -1:
          recurse(left, right, threshold, features, \
            right[node], depth+1)
      idx = np.argmax(value[node])
      # print(indent,"return " + str(value[node]))
      print(indent,"return " + str(tree.classes_[idx]))

  recurse(left, right, threshold, features, 0)

# ---------------------------------------------------------

def main():
  # 0. get ready
  print("\nBegin scikit decision tree example ")
  print("Predict sex from age, state, income, politics ")

  # 1. load data
  print("\nLoading data into memory ")
  train_file = ".\\Data\\people_train.txt"
  train_xy = np.loadtxt(train_file, usecols=range(0,9),
    delimiter="\t", comments="#",  dtype=np.float32) 
  train_x = train_xy[:,1:9]
  train_y = train_xy[:,0].astype(int)

  test_file = ".\\Data\\people_test.txt"
  test_xy = np.loadtxt(test_file, usecols=range(0,9),
    delimiter="\t", comments="#",  dtype=np.float32) 
  test_x = test_xy[:,1:9]
  test_y = test_xy[:,0].astype(int)

  print("\nTraining data:")
  print(". . . \n")
  print(". . . ")

  # 2. create and train 
  md = 4
  print("\nCreating decision tree max_depth=" + str(md))
  model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=md,
    random_state=1), train_y)
  print("Done ")

  # 3. evaluate
  acc_train = model.score(train_x, train_y)
  print("\nAccuracy on train = %0.4f " % acc_train)
  acc_test = model.score(test_x, test_y)
  print("Accuracy on test = %0.4f " % acc_test)

  # 3b. use model
  # print("\nPredict age 36, Oklahoma, $50K, moderate ")
  # x = np.array([0.36, 0,0,1, 0.5000, 0,1,0],
  #   dtype=np.float32)
  # predicted = model.predict(x)
  # print(predicted)

  # 4. visualize
  print("\nTree in pseudo-code: ")
  tree_to_pseudo(model, ["age", "state0", "state1", "state2",
    "income",  "pol0", "pol1", "pol2"])

  # 4b. use built-in export_text()
  # recall: from sklearn import tree
  pseudo = tree.export_text(model, ["age", "state0", "state1",
    "state2", "income",  "pol0", "pol1", "pol2"])

  # 4c. use built-in plot_tree()
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  tree.plot_tree(model, feature_names=["age", "state0",
    "state1", "state2", "income",  "pol0", "pol1", "pol2"],
    class_names=["male", "female"])

  # 5. TODO: save model using pickle

if __name__ == "__main__":
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