I do an Interview about Machine Learning on Microsoft’s Channel 9

Channel 9 is a Microsoft community video Web site. There are all kinds of interesting videos on Channel 9, but most of the videos are aimed at software developers.

I was recently asked to do a short (6-minute) interview on Channel 9. The topic was machine learning and the upcoming DevIntersection conference where I’ll be speaking about the Microsoft CNTK code library. See https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/The-DEVintersection-Countdown-Show/DEVintersection-Countdown-Show-on-the-Opportunities-in-Machine-Learning-with-James-McCaffrey

The interview host was Richard Campbell. I’ve known Richard for a long time because we’ve both spoken at Microsoft conferences for quite a few years. Richard is a very bright guy, and as much as anyone I know, he has a really good understanding of the big picture of software development and technology. And he’s very articulate too — a relatively rare characteristic for deep technical experts.

Anyway, we chatted and I explained the differences between data science, machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence. The video interview recording session took place at the Microsoft Production Studios in Building 25. The studios there are quite impressive and very professional.

Anyway, if you go to the DevIntersection Conference, October 31 through November 2, 2017, please seek me out before or after my CNTK talk and say “hello”. See the conference site at: https://www.devintersection.com.

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