Principal Component Analysis (PCA) From Scratch Using The Classical Technique With C#

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a surprisingly complicated topic. The primary goal is to transform some source data into data that has fewer columns — dimensionality reduction. The reduced data can be used for anomaly detection, visualization, or machine learning that doesn’t scale to data with a large number of features.

There are two main PCA techniques: 1.) the classical technique computes eigenvectors from a covariance matrix of the normalized source data, 2.) the non-classical technique computes eigenvectors directly from the normalized source data using SVD (singular value decomposition). When using the classical technique, eigenvectors can be computed using many different algorithms, but most commonly the QR algorithm or the Jacobi algorithm.

One afternoon, while I was at a conference, between sessions, I decided to put together a PCA demo using the classical technique with Jacobi eigenvectors, using the C# language.

For my demo, to keep things simple, I used a tiny 9-item subset of the 150-item Iris Dataset:

5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 0
4.9, 3.1, 1.5, 0.1, 0
5.1, 3.8, 1.5, 0.3, 0
7.0, 3.2, 4.7, 1.4, 1
5.0, 2.0, 3.5, 1.0, 1
5.9, 3.2, 4.8, 1.8, 1
6.3, 3.3, 6.0, 2.5, 2
6.5, 3.2, 5.1, 2.0, 2
6.9, 3.2, 5.7, 2.3, 2

To verify my C# implementation, I ran the same data through an implementation using the scikit-learn library PCA module.

The demo program has seven main steps:

1. load data into memory
2. standardize data (z-score, biased)
3. compute covariance matrix from standardized data
4. compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors from covariance matrix
5. sort eigenvectors based on eigenvalues
6. use eigenvectors to compute transformed data
7. extract n columns of transformed data

Each of the seven steps is a significant challenge. In particular, computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors is especially difficult. I use the Jacobi algorithm.

The resulting transformed data, based on all four components is:

  -2.0787   0.6736  -0.0425   0.0435
  -2.2108  -0.2266  -0.1065  -0.0212
  -2.0071   1.2920   0.1883   0.0025
   1.1557   0.3503  -0.9194  -0.0785
  -0.7678  -2.6702   0.0074   0.0115
   0.7029  -0.0028   0.4066  -0.0736
   1.8359   0.2191   0.6407  -0.0424
   1.3476   0.1482  -0.0201   0.0621
   2.0224   0.2163  -0.1545   0.0960

At this point, one or more of the columns of the transformed data would be extracted and used as a reduced version of the source data. Because the percentages of variance explained by each component are (0.6926, 0.2651, 0.0415, 0.0008), if you extracted the first two columns, you’d account for 0.6926 + 0.2651 = 0.9577 of the variance in the data — nearly all.

It was a fun and interesting challenge.

The goal of PCA is to reduce the size of some data. I don’t think there’s a technique to enlarge the size of some data. But apparently there is some reason to enlarge dice, as in these three examples. Thank you Internet once again for baffling me.

Demo code. Replace “lt”, “gt”, “lte”, “gte”, “and” with Boolean operator symbols.

using System;
using System.IO;

// PCA classical using Jacobi eigenvectors

namespace PrincipalComponentsClassic
  internal class PrincipalClassicProgram
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Console.WriteLine("\nBegin classic PCA (Jacobi) " +
        "from scratch using C# ");

      // 0. load data
      Console.WriteLine("\nLoading Iris-9 data ");
      string dataFile =
      double[][] X = MatLoad(dataFile,
        new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, ',', "#");
      Console.WriteLine("Done ");

      Console.WriteLine("\nSource data: ");
      MatShow(X, 4, 9, true);

      // 1. standardize data
      Console.WriteLine("\nStandardizing (z-score," +
        " biased) ");
      double[] means;
      double[] stds;
      double[][] stdX = MatStandardize(X,
        out means, out stds);

      Console.WriteLine("\nStandardized data items ");
      MatShow(stdX, 4, 9, nRows: 3);

      // 2. covariance matrix of standardized data
      Console.WriteLine("\nComputing covariance matrix: ");
      double[][] covarMat = CovarMatrix(stdX, false);
      MatShow(covarMat, 4, 9, false);  // symmetric allows Jacobi

      // 3. eigenvalues, eigenvectors Jacobi algorithm
      Console.WriteLine("\nComputing eigenvalues and" +
        " eigenvectors ");
      double[] eigenVals;
      double[][] eigenVecs;
      Eigen(covarMat, out eigenVals, out eigenVecs);
      Console.WriteLine("\nEigenvectors (not sorted as cols): ");
      MatShow(eigenVecs, 4, 9, false);

      // 4. sort eigenvals from large to smallest
      int[] idxs = ArgSort(eigenVals);  // to sort evecs
      Console.WriteLine("\nEigenvalues (sorted): ");
      VecShow(eigenVals, 4, 9);

      // 5. sort associated eigenvectors
      // "principal components" are the eigenvectors
      eigenVecs = MatExtractCols(eigenVecs, idxs); // sort
      eigenVecs = MatTranspose(eigenVecs);  // as rows
      Console.WriteLine("\nEigenvectors (sorted as rows):");
      MatShow(eigenVecs, 4, 9, false);

      // 6. variance explained to guide number components
      Console.WriteLine("\nComputing variance" +
        " explained: ");
      double[] varExplained = VarExplained(eigenVals);
      VecShow(varExplained, 4, 9);

      // 7. transform all data
      Console.WriteLine("\nComputing transformed" +
        " data (all components): ");
      double[][] transformed =
        MatProduct(stdX, MatTranspose(eigenVecs));  // all 
      Console.WriteLine("\nTransformed data: ");
      MatShow(transformed, 4, 9, true);

      // 8. reconstruct data just for fun
      Console.WriteLine("\nReconstructing " +
       " original data: ");
      double[][] reconstructed = 
        MatProduct(transformed, eigenVecs);
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" reconstructed.Length; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" reconstructed[0].Length; ++j)
          reconstructed[i][j] = 
            (reconstructed[i][j] * stds[j]) + means[j];
      MatShow(reconstructed, 4, 9, 3);

      Console.WriteLine("\nEnd demo ");

    } // Main

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] MatLoad(string fn, int[] usecols,
      char sep, string comment)
      // completely self-contained version
      // count number of non-comment lines
      int nRows = 0;
      string line = "";
      FileStream ifs = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Open);
      StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ifs);
      while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
        if (line.StartsWith(comment) == false)
      sr.Close(); ifs.Close();

      int nCols = usecols.Length;
      double[][] result = new double[nRows][];
      for (int r = 0; r "lt" nRows; ++r)
        result[r] = new double[nCols];

      line = "";
      string[] tokens = null;
      ifs = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Open);
      sr = new StreamReader(ifs);

      int i = 0;
      while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
        if (line.StartsWith(comment) == true)
        tokens = line.Split(sep);
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" nCols; ++j)
          int k = usecols[j];  // into tokens
          result[i][j] = double.Parse(tokens[k]);
      sr.Close(); ifs.Close();
      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static void MatShow(double[][] M, int dec,
      int wid, bool showIndices)
      double small = 1.0 / Math.Pow(10, dec);
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" M.Length; ++i)
        if (showIndices == true)
          int pad = M.Length.ToString().Length;
          Console.Write("[" + i.ToString().PadLeft(pad) + "]");
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" M[0].Length; ++j)
          double v = M[i][j];
          if (Math.Abs(v) "lt" small) v = 0.0;
          Console.Write(v.ToString("F" + dec).

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static void MatShow(double[][] M, int dec,
      int wid, int nRows)
      double small = 1.0 / Math.Pow(10, dec);
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" nRows; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" M[0].Length; ++j)
          double v = M[i][j];
          if (Math.Abs(v) "lt" small) v = 0.0;
          Console.Write(v.ToString("F" + dec).
      if (nRows "lt" M.Length)
        Console.WriteLine(". . . ");

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] MatStandardize(double[][] data,
      out double[] means, out double[] stds)
      // scikit style z-score biased normalization
      int rows = data.Length;
      int cols = data[0].Length;
      double[][] result = MatCreate(rows, cols);

      // compute means
      double[] mns = new double[cols];
      for (int j = 0; j "lt" cols; ++j)
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i "lt" rows; ++i)
          sum += data[i][j];
        mns[j] = sum / rows;
      } // j

      // compute std devs
      double[] sds = new double[cols];
      for (int j = 0; j "lt" cols; ++j)
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i "lt" rows; ++i)
          sum += (data[i][j] - mns[j]) *
            (data[i][j] - mns[j]);
        sds[j] = Math.Sqrt(sum / rows);  // biased
      } // j

      // normalize
      for (int j = 0; j "lt" cols; ++j)
        for (int i = 0; i "lt" rows; ++i)
          result[i][j] = (data[i][j] - mns[j]) / sds[j];
      } // j

      means = mns;
      stds = sds;

      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] MatCreate(int rows, int cols)
      double[][] result = new double[rows][];
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" rows; ++i)
        result[i] = new double[cols];
      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] CovarMatrix(double[][] data,
      bool rowVar)
      // rowVar == true means each row is a variable
      // if false, each column is a variable

      double[][] source;
      if (rowVar == true)
        source = data;  // by ref
        source = MatTranspose(data);

      int srcRows = source.Length;  // num features
      int srcCols = source[0].Length;  // not used

      double[][] result = MatCreate(srcRows, srcRows);

      for (int i = 0; i "lt" result.Length; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j "lte" i; ++j)
          result[i][j] = Covariance(source[i], source[j]);
          result[j][i] = result[i][j];

      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double Covariance(double[] v1, double[] v2)
      // compute means of v1 and v2
      int n = v1.Length;

      double sum1 = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        sum1 += v1[i];
      double mean1 = sum1 / n;

      double sum2 = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        sum2 += v2[i];
      double mean2 = sum2 / n;

      // compute covariance
      double sum = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        sum += (v1[i] - mean1) * (v2[i] - mean2);
      double result = sum / (n - 1);

      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] MatTranspose(double[][] M)
      int nr = M.Length;
      int nc = M[0].Length;
      double[][] result = MatCreate(nc, nr);  // note
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" nr; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" nc; ++j)
          result[j][i] = M[i][j];
      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static void Eigen(double[][] A,
      out double[] eval, out double[][] evec)
      // Jacobi algorithm based on GSL implementation
      // assumes A is square symmetric
      // OK when applied to covariance matrix
      int m = A.Length; int n = A[0].Length;
      // if m != n throw an exception
      int maxRot = 100 * m * m;  // heuristic
      double redSum = 0.0;

      eval = new double[m];
      evec = MatIdentity(m);

      for (int i = 0; i "lt" maxRot; ++i)
        double nrm = Normalize(A);

        if (nrm == 0.0)  // mildly risky

        for (int p = 0; p "lt" n; ++p)
          for (int q = p + 1; q "lt" n; ++q)
            double c; double s;
            redSum += Symschur2(A, p, q, out c, out s);
            // Compute A := J^T A J 
            Apply_Jacobi_L(A, p, q, c, s);
            Apply_Jacobi_R(A, p, q, c, s);
            // Compute V := V J 
            Apply_Jacobi_R(evec, p, q, c, s);

      // nrot = i;
      for (int p = 0; p "lt" n; ++p)
        double ep = A[p][p];
        eval[p] = ep;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] MatIdentity(int n)
      double[][] result = MatCreate(n, n);
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        result[i][i] = 1.0;
      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double Symschur2(double[][] A, int p, int q,
      out double c, out double s)
      // Symmetric Schur decomposition 2x2 matrix
      double Apq = A[p][q];
      if (Apq != 0.0)
        double App = A[p][p];
        double Aqq = A[q][q];
        double tau = (Aqq - App) / (2.0 * Apq);
        double t, c1;

        if (tau "gte" 0.0)
          t = 1.0 / (tau + Hypot(1.0, tau));
          t = -1.0 / (-tau + Hypot(1.0, tau));

        c1 = 1.0 / Hypot(1.0, t);
        c = c1; s = t * c1;
      else  // Apq == 0.0
        c = 1.0; s = 0.0;

      return Math.Abs(Apq);

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double Hypot(double x, double y)
      // fancy sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
      double xabs = Math.Abs(x);
      double yabs = Math.Abs(y);
      double min, max;

      if (xabs "lt" yabs)
        min = xabs; max = yabs;
        min = yabs; max = xabs;

      if (min == 0)
        return max;

      double u = min / max;
      return max * Math.Sqrt(1 + u * u);

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static void Apply_Jacobi_L(double[][] A, int p,
      int q, double c, double s)
      int n = A[0].Length;

      // Apply rotation to matrix A,  A' = J^T A 
      for (int j = 0; j "lt" n; ++j)
        double Apj = A[p][j];
        double Aqj = A[q][j];
        A[p][j] = Apj * c - Aqj * s;
        A[q][j] = Apj * s + Aqj * c;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static void Apply_Jacobi_R(double[][] A, int p,
      int q, double c, double s)
      int m = A.Length;

      // Apply rotation to matrix A,  A' = A J 
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" m; ++i)
        double Aip = A[i][p];
        double Aiq = A[i][q];
        A[i][p] = Aip * c - Aiq * s;
        A[i][q] = Aip * s + Aiq * c;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double Normalize(double[][] A)
      int m = A.Length; int n = A[0].Length;
      double scale = 0.0;
      double ssq = 1.0;

      for (int i = 0; i "lt" m; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" n; j++)
          double Aij = A[i][j];

          // compute norm of off-diagonal elements
          if (i == j) continue;

          if (Aij != 0.0)
            double ax = Math.Abs(Aij);

            if (scale "lt" ax)
              ssq =
                1.0 + ssq * (scale / ax) * (scale / ax);
              scale = ax;
              ssq += (ax / scale) * (ax / scale);

        } // j
      } // i

      double sum = scale * Math.Sqrt(ssq);
      return sum;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static int[] ArgSort(double[] vec)
      int n = vec.Length;
      int[] idxs = new int[n];
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        idxs[i] = i;
      Array.Sort(vec, idxs);  // sort idxs based on vec vals
      return idxs;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static void VecShow(double[] vec, int dec, int wid)
      double small = 1.0 / Math.Pow(10, dec);
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" vec.Length; ++i)
        double x = vec[i];
        if (Math.Abs(x) "lt" small) x = 0.0;  // avoid "-0.00"
        Console.Write(x.ToString("F" + dec).PadLeft(wid));

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] MatExtractCols(double[][] mat,
      int[] cols)
      int srcRows = mat.Length;
      int srcCols = mat[0].Length;
      int tgtCols = cols.Length;

      double[][] result = MatCreate(srcRows, tgtCols);
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" srcRows; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" tgtCols; ++j)
          int c = cols[j];
          result[i][j] = mat[i][c];
      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[][] MatProduct(double[][] matA,
      double[][] matB)
      int aRows = matA.Length;
      int aCols = matA[0].Length;
      int bRows = matB.Length;
      int bCols = matB[0].Length;
      if (aCols != bRows)
        throw new Exception("Non-conformable matrices");

      double[][] result = MatCreate(aRows, bCols);

      for (int i = 0; i "lt" aRows; ++i) // each row of A
        for (int j = 0; j "lt" bCols; ++j) // each col of B
          for (int k = 0; k "lt" aCols; ++k)
            result[i][j] += matA[i][k] * matB[k][j];

      return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------

    static double[] VarExplained(double[] eigenVals)
      // assumes eigenVals are sorted large to small
      int n = eigenVals.Length;
      double[] result = new double[n];
      double sum = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        sum += eigenVals[i];
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        double pctExplained = eigenVals[i] / sum;
        result[i] = pctExplained;
      return result;

  } // Program

} // ns

Here’s the scikit version:

# demo of PCA on Iris subset

import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

print("\nBegin PCA using scikit ")
np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True,

print("\nLoading Iris-9 data ")
data_file = ".\\Data\\iris_9.txt"
X = np.loadtxt(data_file, delimiter=",", 
  usecols=[0,1,2,3], comments="#", 
print("Done ")
print("\nSource data: "); print(X)

print("\nStandardizing (z-score, biased) ")
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_std = scaler.transform(X)
print("\nStandardized data: "); print(X_std[0:3,:])

# print(scaler.mean_)
# print(np.sqrt(scaler.var_))

print("\nCreating PCA object ")
pca = PCA()  # all components by default
print("Done ")

covar_mat = pca.get_covariance()
print("\ncovariance matrix: "); print(covar_mat)

eVals = pca.explained_variance_
print("\nEigenvalues (sorted): "); print(eVals)

eVecs = pca.components_
print("\nEigenvectors / components (as rows): ")

pctVar = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
print("\npercent variance explained: "); print(pctVar)

transformed = pca.transform(X_std)
print("\nTransformed data: ")

# compute transformed from eigenvectors
# trans_check = np.matmul(X_std, eVecs.T)
# print("\nFirst 3 transformed verify: ")
# print(trans_check[0:3,0:2])

print("\nReconstructing original data ")
reconstructed = np.matmul(transformed, eVecs)
for i in range(len(reconstructed)):
  for j in range(len(reconstructed[0])):
    reconstructed[i][j] = (reconstructed[i][j] * \
      np.sqrt(scaler.var_[j])) + scaler.mean_[j]
print(reconstructed[0:3,:]); print(". . .")

print("\nEnd demo ")
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