The Traveling Salesman Problem Using Simulated Annealing In C#

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a standard combinatorial optimization problem. The goal is to find the best route that visits all cities, where best route usually means shortest distance.

Simulated Annealing is a very simple heuristic for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Briefly:

make an initial guess route
  generate a new route
  if new route is better, accept route
  if new route is worse, accept
    route anyway with a small probability
  decrease accept_probability slightly
return best route found

The devil is in the details: defining how to generate a new route and modifying the small acceptance probability of accepting a worse route.

I implemented simulated annealing for TSP using the Python language for an article in Visual Studio Magazine. Here is a C# implementation of the VSM article program.

The C# program results (top) are slightly different than the Python program results (bottom) because simulated annealing is probabilistic and the C# and Python random number generation functions are a bit different.

Because Python and C# are both C-family languages, it was relatively easy to refactor the original Python code to C# code. I did have to implement a Shuffle() function in C# to replace the built-in Python shuffle() function, but I’ve done that many times (using the Fisher-Yates mini-algorithm).

Good fun.

When I was just out of college, I worked on a cruise ship for a couple of years. I got to visit dozens of interesting countries — but all of them bordered the ocean. I know next to nothing about land-locked places such as these three adjacent Central Asian countries. Left: Kazakhstan (population 19 million). Center: Uzbekistan (population 34 million). Right: Kyrgyzstan (population 7 million). I wonder how similar their spoken and written languages are.

Demo C# code. Replace “lt” and “gt” with symbols — my blogging editor chokes on these symbols.

using System;

namespace TSP_Annealing
  class TSP_Annealing_Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Console.WriteLine("\nBegin TSP simulated annealing C# ");

      int nCities = 20;
      Console.WriteLine("\nSetting num_cities = " + nCities);
      Console.WriteLine("\nOptimal solution is 0, 1, 2, . . " + 
        (nCities - 1));
      Console.WriteLine("Optimal soln has total distance = " + 
        (nCities - 1));
      Random rnd = new Random(2);
      int maxIter = 25000;
      double startTemperature = 10000.0;
      double alpha = 0.98;

      Console.WriteLine("\nSettings: ");
      Console.WriteLine("max_iter = " + maxIter);
      Console.WriteLine("start_temperature = " + 
      Console.WriteLine("alpha = " + alpha);

      Console.WriteLine("\nStarting solve() ");
      int[] soln = Solve(nCities, rnd, maxIter,
        startTemperature, alpha);
      Console.WriteLine("Finished solve() ");

      Console.WriteLine("\nBest solution found: ");
      double dist = TotalDist(soln);
      Console.WriteLine("\nTotal distance = " +

      Console.WriteLine("\nEnd demo ");
    }  // Main()

    static double TotalDist(int[] route)
      double d = 0.0;  // total distance between cities
      int n = route.Length;
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n - 1; ++i)
        if (route[i] "lt" route[i + 1])
          d += (route[i + 1] - route[i]) * 1.0;
          d += (route[i] - route[i + 1]) * 1.5;
      return d;

    static double Error(int[] route)
      int n = route.Length;
      double d = TotalDist(route);
      double minDist = n - 1;
      return d - minDist;

    static int[] Adjacent(int[] route, Random rnd)
      int n = route.Length;
      int[] result = (int[])route.Clone();  // shallow is OK
      int i = rnd.Next(0, n); int j = rnd.Next(0, n);
      int tmp = result[i]; 
      result[i] = result[j]; result[j] = tmp;
      return result;

    static void Shuffle(int[] route, Random rnd)
      // Fisher-Yates algorithm
      int n = route.Length;
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        int rIndx = rnd.Next(i, n);
        int tmp = route[rIndx];
        route[rIndx] = route[i];
        route[i] = tmp;

    static void ShowArray(int[] arr)
      int n = arr.Length;
      Console.Write("[ ");
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" n; ++i)
        Console.Write(arr[i].ToString().PadLeft(2) + " ");
      Console.WriteLine(" ]");

    static int[] Solve(int nCities, Random rnd, int maxIter,
      double startTemperature, double alpha)
      double currTemperature = startTemperature;
      int[] soln = new int[nCities];
      for (int i = 0; i "lt" nCities; ++i) { soln[i] = i; }
      Shuffle(soln, rnd);
      Console.WriteLine("Initial guess: ");

      double err = Error(soln);
      int iteration = 0;
      while (iteration "lt" maxIter && err "gt" 0.0)
        int[] adjRoute = Adjacent(soln, rnd);
        double adjErr = Error(adjRoute);
        if (adjErr "lt" err)  // better route 
          soln = adjRoute; err = adjErr;
          double acceptProb = 
            Math.Exp((err - adjErr) / currTemperature);
          double p = rnd.NextDouble(); // corrected
          if (p "lt" acceptProb)  // accept anyway
            soln = adjRoute; err = adjErr;

        if (currTemperature "lt" 0.00001)
          currTemperature = 0.00001;
          currTemperature *= alpha;
      }  // while

      return soln;
    }  // Solve()

  }  // Program class
}  // ns
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5 Responses to The Traveling Salesman Problem Using Simulated Annealing In C#

  1. John Rogers says:

    Towards the end:
    double p = rnd.Next();
    Should be:
    double p = rnd.NextDouble();

  2. Ack! You are absolutely correct. I fixed the code in the post. Mahalo!

  3. Frank Holiday says:

    Hi James,
    I have a few questions, the main one is if I have say up to 50 rooms and i wanted to order them by a sort of travelling salesman shortest path using simulated annealing would I need to create a matrix of say the distances between each 2d coordinate point via a pythagorean hypoteneuse distance and then could i simply modify some of the methods like total distance? Also I did a test of your code in vs2022 .net frameworks 4.7.2 c# console and had a score of 28.5, this seems to vary from all the other results. The order was simply the inverse of the optimal order of say 1,2,3, n+1.
    Cheers Frank

  4. Pingback: Traveling Salesman Problem Combinatorial Optimization Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with C# | James D. McCaffrey

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